Work Samples

So, what have I accomplished? What makes me worth hiring? These work samples are a selection of the things I’ve done.

Home With The Kids

Here it is, the website I’ve run for nearly 20 years. It has been so much fun, but at the same time, I’m ready for new challenges and opportunities.

My Latest Posts RSS Feed

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Hoteling Project

I created this hoteling job aid as a project in college. One of the requirements was that it be for an actual client. We couldn’t just make something up. The project required finding a client, determining their needs, interviewing employees to learn what information was needed in the job aid, and creating it.

Hoteling was brand new then, and I don’t think anyone called it hot desking, although I can now say that hot desking is the more accurate term for what my client wanted. The company I created the job aid for was a Worker’s Compensation organization that needed to make efficient use of its office space. Their insurance auditors were in and out of the office, as audits took place at the insured’s location. This being 2001, remote work was not as common as it is now, and companies were learning how to cope with employees being out of the office so much.

A lot has changed since I created this job aid and the report that went with it. Still, I consider it a respectable sample of the kind of work I can do.